
Showing posts from 2018

Summer Busking money to Zimbabwe

This year "Give a Child a Teacher" project to train teachers in Zimbabwe to reach as many children as possible there. Please read about where your busking money will be going from Summer School 2018 - Suzuki in Zimbabwe - A View from One side of the Suzuki Triangle

Perfect Posture

And the prize for the most perfect Summer School Concert posture goes to........ Tom!

Christ Church Concert

We raised £170 for Christ Church after our Summer School Concert on 4th August...

Flute Busking

Friday afternoon "flute busking" outside Waitrose - After a late donation we sent £38.66 to the ESA fund "Give a Child a Teacher". The charity supports new Suzuki teacher training programmes in ESA countries. Thank you all for your playing.

Sunny Malvern

Sunshine all day over the Malverns.... Looking forward to a sunny week next week.

Summer School Concert 2018

Our Concert this year will be at Christ Church, Avenue Road, Malvern, WR14 3AY, on 4th August 2018 at 7:30pm Come and join us for a concert of flute and recorder music, the culmination of our annual Summer School at Malvern St James. This year we will be performing "swan and song" music.